We are a group of professionals and technicians all with extensive experience in production and assembly of cultural and musical events, President Fernando Núñez is an expert with over 20 years in the entertainment, it has belonged to numerous committee of cultural events in Dominican Republic and Washington DC, organizing major cultural events, music, concerts, parades, for nonprofit organizations and contributed to the Latino community throughout his career. The committee DC MUSIC AND CULTURE FOR LIFE LLC, have as main goal to help our community bringing joy, culture and happiness to all our people.

Among the most experienced of our committee are: Radames Avila, celebrity journalist, president of the foundation Children of Mary INC. It has belonged to several cultural committees, organizing various events for the community, Mrs. Janet Lugo has always directed large institutions nonprofit with extensive experience in the cultural and organizational area, was president for 10 years of the Festival of Adams Morgan and is a community worker, Miguel Abreu is a person linked to the community, cooperative, with knowledge of logistics in organizational area, Brendaliz Cintron has worked in numerous multinational and local events, has belonged to the main staff of different community and private events great organizational skills. 

Committee Members:

Fernando Nunez
President DC Music and Culture for Life LLC
Director of event

 Miosotis Encarnacion
Executive Secretary

 Miguel Abreu
Vice president
Business Manager

Radhames Avila
Mounting contest
President of Fundacion Ninos de Maria INC  Beneficiary institution in the event

Brendaliz Cintron
Logistics Director and PR

Osiris Baez
Artist and productions
VP of BKC Music
Road Manager of JMartin
Porfirio Pina entertaiment

Geo Guzman
Bolivia Culture D.

Juan Kelly
Webmaster and productions
President of BKC Music

Kery Kery

Dj. Mo

Director of Musicals Local bands