
It's a great opportunity for business owner, politicians, non profits, craftsmen, artists, and anyone who want to exhibit, advertised or sell a product or service to the Hispanic community. This is the opportunity to target potential customers and take you business to the next level. Be part of something that will enrich your business,, your family and the community.

Our partners can be sure that we are fulfilling our advertising agreement, we will be spreading our promotion through Radio, Television, Newspapers, Flyers, Social Media, and making a direct mail with communities, community leaders, groups, and using all our events to publicize our Festival from 5 months earlier.
It is the perfect opportunity for companies to become our sponsors returning to their consumer      an appreciation by supporting our Music and culture in the Festival.

Take you business to the next Level and Demonstrate that you can make the difference by been one of Our Major Sponsor.

Don’t wait until is too late and separated you space.

For information on How to be an Sponsor, Kiosk Sale contact any of our team Member:
Sale made by any of the staff must be approved and confirmed by the President .

Miguel Abreu  - 
Brendaliz Cintron
Janet Lugo
Robert Jimenez 

if you have any questions, please call our phone.

202 492 8026- 202-644-3481